It came with a little tag featuring several iconic warnings. Sixteen in fact. For one little tealight holder.

Well, in truth, the warnings are all about candles. Fire is supposed to be one of mankind's earliest discoveries, yet we still haven't mastered it.

You can't really blame the second guy for leaving his giant candle unattended; the heat was probably getting too much for him.

Does anyone pay attention to this? You'd need bigger birthday cakes for a start.

Not only are we one curtain short, but the one shown is too short for the window. I like the valance though, you don't see enough of those.

Nice belt. If you look really close, you can see the bat symbol on the buckle.

I thought this was a book at first: "Don't read by candlelight." I guess it's an open window, and those are either fumes or a breeze. Funnily enough, that's why I wanted a tealight holder.

I have no idea what this one is warning me about. The sun suggests outside or daytime. Is that a cooker on the left? Chimenea? And a television? Or an aquarium with an aerial? Whatever this is, I hope I don't do it.

No, not just "Don't hold the candle while it's lit." Look at the flame; we've not seen it bending like that since the open window warning. The person holding it is running. A definite no-no.

Tealights don't tend to do this. Nice attention to detail, though, with the flame staying realistically upright.

I don't get this one either. What is that windsock on the left doing to that candle? It looks like some magical vortex.

Don't hock a loogie to extinguish your candle. Use the butterfly net provided.

This one must be important - it's got its own exclamation mark. But I don't know what it means. The windsock is back, though, and the candle isn't happy about it.

At first I thought the flame was being lifted off the candle with some magic stick. I guess it's saying, "Don't light with a match," which rather scuppers my plans.

I noticed Tesco was selling a scissor and knife sharpener in their "hey, it's only a pound!" bit. I checked the tag. Not a single warning.